Watcher on the Hills: A Silence Retreat
Start: 25th August, 2024, Evening.
End: 1st September, 2024, Noon.
Come, see!, that is the invitation of Buddha. “Ehi Passiko”, “come and see” is one of his most repeated phrases.
You are welcome to “Watcher on the Hills”, a weeklong retreat of joyful silence. Osho says, “Meditation is clarity, absolute clarity of vision.” Settling, relaxing into the sittings and watching without entanglement beings about a broader perspective to life.
Osho meditations and techniques help us glide into that state of witnessing without effort. Preparing the body through dance and movement, unburdening through catharsis, tackling seriousness with laughter – the meditation happens naturally and silence becomes celebration.
This is for all the seekers who have longing for silence and are already comfortable with silent-sittings. You will be away from phones and the internet for a week. If you have already done Mystic Rose or one of the Osho Meditative therapies, this is a great opportunity to join us for the silence-week, which also happens to be the peak, the crescendo of ongoing Mystic Rose therapy.
To be a watcher on the hills, to be a seer, Osho says is freedom. That’s what is called liberation, nirvana. And that man knows what benediction is.
Come, see and experience for yourself!
Also, Explore Osho’s other Meditative Therapies: Mystic Rose Group and Born Again Group