The Eyes of the Master
Osho on Master Disciple
Carlo, the decision to take sannyas has to be of the ego. But it is a decision to commit suicide. These two things have to be understood. When a man decides to commit suicide, life is deciding for death, in favor of death. When a man commits suicide, what happens? He has lived and found something is lacking in life, it is not worth living; he moves in the opposite direction, of death. He searches for death. The same happens in sannyas too: it is the ego deciding to take sannyas. Sannyas means the suicide of the ego.
The ego has lived and found only agonies. The ego has searched, groped in the dark, and never has anything happened to it, only tension, anguish, misery. The ego has lived through hell. The ego is hell! Jean-Paul Sartre says “The other is hell” — that is absolutely wrong. The ego is hell! Not the other, but the I is the hell. And when you have felt this in the very guts of your being, in your bones, in your blood, in your marrow — when the ego has utterly failed you, the ego decides to commit suicide. That’s what sannyas is.
But once you take sannyas a totally different world, a totally different vision, starts in your being. You start living egolessly, and suddenly you are surprised. It is not life that was wrong, it was the ego that was wrong. Life is immensely fulfilling, it is SHEER joy, it is made of the stuff called bliss. It was ego that was a barrier and was not allowing you to live. Once you surrender, even for a moment if the window opens in that surrender…. And that’s what sannyas is, initiation is looking into the eyes of the Master, for a moment you disappear. For a moment you start seeing through the eyes of the Master. For a moment you are not separate, you vibrate with the Master. You take his color, you take his vibration, you pulsate with him, you breathe with him. It is a single moment, but in that single moment you have come across the gap from where the door opens, and you can see a totally different world. The same world, but yet in a totally different perspective.
This is initiation — looking through the Master’s eyes. You have looked through your eyes and you have not found anything. Now you close your eyes and you look through the eyes of the Master. This is obedience, this is surrender. This is trying to put aside your past patterns, and learning of something new. It is an unlearning process, unlearning as far as the ego and its ways are concerned, and a learning process as far as the ways of non-ego are concerned.
The Master is one who has no ego. The disciple is one who has come to understand that the ego and its ways are false, they lead only into cul-de-sacs. The disciple is one who is ready to drop the ego and wants to know, “How to drop it?” He has suffered long with it, he has carried the burden long. Now he’s tired of it! He wants to be unburdened. He does not know how to put it away, how to throw it. He has been clinging to it for so long that he has forgotten that it can be put aside. He comes to a man who has put his ego aside, looks into those eyes, starts trembling in a new way. A new streaming energy is felt, and suddenly a link is broken between the ego and you. This is what initiation is.
It is just a beginning certainly, much will have to be done later on; but if you have taken one step, half the journey is complete. Yes, I say half the journey is complete, because the first step is the most difficult step. All other steps are going to be the same, repetition of the same step again and again.
Carlo’s question is significant.
That is true. Camels cannot recognize a Master. The camels have to be persuaded. And sometimes a camel comes to me and I persuade really hard. Just a few days ago, I was persuading a woman really hard. I could see that she could become a lion, but she persists to remain a camel. I could see the potential, that just in a single step she could become a lion. Ordinarily I don’t persuade too much, because persuading a person for Sannyas too much can become a barrier. The person can start thinking that he or she is so important, that’s why I am persuading. That feeling of importance can enhance the ego. But when I see that somebody is just on the verge, a push is needed. I go out of my way to give a push. But it is always moving into the unknown. One never knows how the person is going to react.
I persuaded her. She became a Sannyasin, but missed the point. While looking into my eyes, she was not looking into my eyes. She was still afraid, she was clinging to the camel. A great opportunity was given to her, she missed it. I have given her a message that she can drop Sannyas, because really it has not happened. She wants to remain a camel, so let her be happy as a camel. A camel cannot recognize, a camel is blind. The camel is the larva, a stagnant pool.
But a lion can recognize. That’s why almost always it happens that those who have any kind of courage in them immediately take the jump into Sannyas. Not that they will not have to face the world, not that they will not have problems — they will have problems, but that is secondary. Those problems can be tackled, that world can be faced. But when a moment arises when one has to take the risk, the lion takes the risk. The lion recognizes the Master. The camel cannot recognize, the camel has to be persuaded, goaded into sannyas. The lion can recognize and accept sannyas, ask for it, take the jump on his own accord. And in that very jump the lion starts moving to the third stage: the child.
In surrender you become a child, you become soft, feminine, you allow the Master to penetrate you deeply. You allow the Master to make you pregnant, you become pregnant with the divine. And the state of child is really a state of pregnancy. You die and you are born anew as a child, out of your own womb. It is the greatest miracle in the world — man being born out of his own womb. But the decision is going to be of the ego. Just as suicide is the decision of life, sannyas is the decision of the ego. But once you have decided the ego starts disappearing, the ego has committed suicide. In fact, sannyas and suicide are very similar. Suicide is a false sannyas, sannyas is a real suicide — because in suicide only the body dies and you will be born again. In sannyas the ego dies, and if you work it out totally, you may not be born again.
Listen to complete discourse at mentioned below link.
Discourse Series: The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol 1 – Chapter #6
Chapter title: Be Total, Then You Are
26 February 1978 am in Buddha Hall
Osho has spoken extensively about the ‘master-disciple relationship’ inmany of His discourses. More on the subject can be referred to in the following books/discourses:
- The Book of Wisdom
- Come follow to you Vol.4
- Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega Vol. 2, 3, 6
- The Wisdom of the Sands Vol.2
- From Personality to Individuality
- From the False to the Truth
- Beyond Enlightenment
- Light on the Path
- The Osho Upanishad
- The Secret
- Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol 1, 2
- Zen: The Diamond Thunderbolt
- The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 3, 7
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Khatri Ravi