Swami Shiv Bharti

Swami Shiv Bharti

Swami Shiv Bharti was initiated by Osho into Neo-Sannyas in 1980. At the time of Sannyas Osho told him to open a center in Dehradun and run it. Swami Shiv Bharti took the name and involved himself in regular activities of the centre. While working as a mechanical engineer in the Government of Uttar Pradesh and living with his family, he lived a beautiful balanced life of the outer and the inner. From 1981 he started leading meditation camps in the Doon valley and Western Uttar Pradesh. After his retirement from service in 2007, he settled in Haridwar and started to devote full time to Osho’s work. He is regularly leading meditation camps and groups such as “No Mind”, “Born Again”, “Vipassana” and “Art of Relaxing Bodymind” at Oshodham, New Delhi, Osho Om Bodhisatva Commune, Dehradun and Ganga Dham, Rishikesh. He is a fuel of positive and meditative energy.

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