Swami Satyatirth Bharti

….left his body in Bhopal on Jan 30th 2020

Swami Satyatirth Bharti

Swami Satyatirth Bharti, also known as Neebu Swami, left his body in Bhopal yesterday evening, Jan 30th.

Swami Satyatirth, though originally belongs to Gorakhpur, UP, had his birth in Kolkata and was brought up in Ahmedabad.

He had not much formal schooling as a child and as he grew up earned his living as an autorickshaw driver. He came in touch with Osho, during Osho’s frequent visits to Ahmedabad in the late 1960s.

Soon after, he took sannyas and totally committed himself to his master Osho and Osho’s meditations for his spiritual growth.

In 1987, Osho sent him to Japan to spread His message and work. Initially Swami Satyatirth conducted many meditation camps in Japan and even in Europe. He and his Japanese wife Ma Gyan Patra, put a lot of hard work and Osho gave the name Osho Sakhsin to their first meditation centre in Tokyo, in 1989.

Over the years, Osho Sakshin meditation centre expanded into many business endeavours. Today, they have a big Osho commune… Osho Prem commune, in a beautiful forest in Japan. They have a chain of world class Indian vegetarian restaurants Natraj, in many cities of Japan. Their Shimin publishing company has published almost all of Osho’s English books translated into Japanese.

During the late 1990s, in one of his visits to India, Swami Satyatirth had come to Oshos birth place in Kuchwada, MP. Seeing the plight of Osho’s birth home, which was almost on the verge of ruins, he bought the house. His team of Japanese sannyasins re- built the house without hiring any outside labour, as a gesture of their love and gratitude for Osho.

By 2002, a big ashram… Osho Tirth, was created having facilities for accommodating more than 200 inmates.

A big concrete pyramid meditation hall was constructed and many acres of land also procured for organic farming. A charitable hospital…Osho Nani Ma in the name of Osho’s maternal grandmother also came into existence. Kuchwada became a pilgrimage centre for Osho sannyasins around the world.

Osho sannyasins will always remember Swami Satyatirth Bharti with gratitude for rebuilding Oshos house of birth, which was on the verge of collapse and developing Osho birth place, Kuchwada into a place of international fame.

Our prayers for his journey…beyond…

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