Swami Satyadev Bharti
…left his body on 6 January 2021.
Swami Satyadev Bharti… A Man of Festive Creativity
(2 February 1942 – 6 January 2021)
In our world of Osho NeoSannyas, he was known as Swami Satyadev Bharti. And in the Business world, he was known as Satya Paul, and truly speaking, he was a unique individual, living life on his own terms. He was a successful man, a pioneer in the business of fashion and his heart was longing for something deeper, when he was initiated into Osho NeoSannyas in 1976, frequently visiting Pune to be with the Master. Gradually, his wife, his son and daughter, and two of his younger brothers, all got initiated into the path of NeoSannyas. Swami Satyadev Bharti, together with his family, went to live in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, USA There we worked together in the books and tapes despatch department in Antelope ( later known as the City of Rajneesh) for some weeks. After Osho’s departure from USA, Swami Satyadev came back to India and in 1986, together with his son Puneet, he founded the acclaimed fashion clothing brand, Satya Paul. He has inspired designers all over the world. Ma Bhagawati of Oshonews.com remembers that he had received the rights to use Osho’s signatures on the sarees he designed. With such exotic Indian sarees of Osho’s signature, he organised many glamourous fashion shows across India and abroad and had a spectacular presence in the media, that depicts him as an “Ace fashion designer Satya Paul, known for giving the Indian saree a contemporary touch.”
A few years ago, Swami Satyadev Bharti retired from this business and got pulled to the path of Yoga and moved to Coimbatore at Isha Yoga Centre of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva. His son Puneet informed that “he had suffered a stroke on 2 December 2020” and on the afternoon of 6th January, he breathed his last.
Swami Chaitanya Keerti