Osho’s sannyasins were adventurers – on the move, seeking depth, insight, connection, and meaning while shaking off cultural and societal conditioning.
Into the vibrant and dynamic community known as the Pune 1 ashram, swept a flamboyant Italian, Carlo Silvestro, who was swiftly renamed by Osho Swatantra Sarjano – Divine Creativity. Sarjano received more attention, commentary, feedback, grooming, stroking and Zen-whacking than any sannyasin ever documented in Osho’s work.
Why did this ‘crazy Italian’ get so much attention from the Master?
Was Sarjano ‘special’? This account of his life and journey as a disciple, his escapades, theatrics and adventures, provides compelling reading and fascinating insights into the playful profundity of the work of the extraordinary mystic master Osho.