The Divine Melody


This fascinating book is a series of commentaries on Kabir, the 15th century Indian mystic and poet. Six hundred years later, a contemporary mystic, Osho, comments on the poetry and responds beautifully to related questions. Love is the divine melody, says Kabir. Osho says this existence is love energy, and the way to experience it is by flowing with existence, becoming one with it, by realizing that you are a unique part of this existence. Osho addresses how man is born complete, a rainbow, the whole spectrum, but through external influences becomes fragmented. He says that life is a search to regain this “oneness,” explaining that man can seek wholeness by passing through seven chakras or unities: “From the first chakra to the seventh, from the first love to the last, the search is one. The search is for the one. And unless that one is found there is no rest.” Osho
SKU: B2000008 Category: Product ID: 21950
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This fascinating book is a series of commentaries on Kabir, the 15th century Indian mystic and poet. Six hundred years later, a contemporary mystic, Osho, comments on the poetry and responds beautifully to related questions. Love is the divine melody, says Kabir. Osho says this existence is love energy, and the way to experience it is by flowing with existence, becoming one with it, by realizing that you are a unique part of this existence. Osho addresses how man is born complete, a rainbow, the whole spectrum, but through external influences becomes fragmented. He says that life is a search to regain this “oneness,” explaining that man can seek wholeness by passing through seven chakras or unities: “From the first chakra to the seventh, from the first love to the last, the search is one. The search is for the one. And unless that one is found there is no rest.” Osho
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Weight 0.50 kg