Life Is a Soap Bubble: 100 Ways to Look at Life


Love is not something to be obtained from the outside. Love is the music of your inner being. Nobody can give you love. Love can arise within you, but it cannot be obtained from the outside. There is no shop, market, no salesman from whom you can purchase love. Love cannot be purchased, at any price. Love is an inner flowering. It arises from some dormant energy within, yet all of us search for love on the outside. But all of us search for love in the beloved― ― Osho The Inner Journey is a precise manual for tuning the instrument― body, mind, heart, hara― to an inner balance and harmony that will pave the way for the experience of meditation. Osho speaks of meditation as a music that naturally flows in a well-tuned instrument, and of love as the dance that moves to this music.
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Mystics don’t usually write books; they speak and work directly with people in a transformational way. Life Is a Soap Bubble is among the few written statements available from enlightened masters or mystics. Lao Tzu’s statements of the Tao Te Ching came into being only at the end of his life. In the same way, Osho’s books are transcriptions of his daily talks. This book is a precious collection of 100 letters written by Osho and mailed to a Yoga Sohan at her meditation camp. Osho promised her that he would send her a letter every day and that she should keep them so they could be published one day. This collection of thoughts provides an essential road map to those who feel that there must be something more to life and are ready to explore other dimensions of being. These short passages are full of diverse, pertinent gems that will touch the heart.

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