Guida Spirituale


“ Silence is the shrine of the truth. Enter into it, take the jump into it – that is the essential thing. If you miss it, you miss your whole life and the great opportunity that life has given to you. If you reach this essential core you are blessed, you have arrived home. That is the message of desiderata and that is my message too.” Osho
This poem by Max Ehrmann has inspired millions, expressing a simplicity and truthfulness that most of us yearn for. Because of these qualities Osho says, “It can be of immense help to you on the path.”
These talks on the Desiderata, interspersed with questions from sekers, illuminate both the essential and the non-essential. They inspire the reader to shine his own internal light of awareness in everyday life.

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This book is a twenty-first century survival manual for the spirit of man, to help him awaken from his deep spiritual sleep. Delightful stories and anecdotes inspired by the Desiderata and penetrating answers to seekers’ questions are interspersed with refreshing, sometimes shocking jokes. Osho delivers these talks with the true swordlike edge and finesse of an enlightened master.
He says, “Desiderata is also a strange document because in such a small space it says so much. It is really made of sutras — just a few hints. Nothing is said very solidly: just a few hints, fingers pointing to the moon…. It can be printed on a small card, a postcard, but it contains all the oceans. It can be of immense help to you on the path; hence I call it Guida Spirituale.”

Chapter Titles

Chapter 1: Go Placidly
Chapter 2: Bliss Is the Consequence
Chapter 3: The Feel of It
Chapter 4: Don’t Compare
Chapter 5: God Never Repeats
Chapter 6: The Virtuous Circle
Chapter 7: Create a Context
Chapter 8: I Say, Rejoice!
Chapter 9: Be Yourself
Chapter 10: Doubt Is a Sword
Chapter 11: Beliefs Are Lies
Chapter 12: The Total Man
Chapter 13: Child of the Universe
Chapter 14: The Only Miracle
Chapter 15: Kiss or Kill
Chapter 16: Surprise Me!

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Weight 1 kg