Osho has referred to Buddha as the first truly humanistic master: he is not concerned with a God, with another world, with paradise or hell. Buddha is directly focused on raising man’s awareness in this life and show, in scientific, exact words, the life and showing, in very scientific, exact words, the way for man to reach his full potential.
These commentaries on Buddha’s teachings make them absolutely accessible to anyone looking to bring a new dimension of consciousness to his life.
Osho is pragmatic throughout- and also beautifully entertaining, as he eloquently explains “the eightfold way,” the nature of consciousness as opposed to mind, the afterlife, and even offers helpful hints to carry on the journey to ultimate awareness.
“Watch, and you will see the truth of Buddha’s saying. It is a fact, it has nothing to do with any theory. Buddha is not interested in abstract systems, he simply says that which is. He’s not formulating a philosophy. Always remember it, never forget it – that he is very experimental, existential. His whole approach is just to say something that you can immediately experience.” Osho
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