Breaking all boundaries: Acquiring A Healthy Mind


Love is not something to be obtained from the outside. Love is the music of your inner being. Nobody can give you love. Love can arise within you, but it cannot be obtained from the outside. There is no shop, market, no salesman from whom you can purchase love. Love cannot be purchased, at any price. Love is an inner flowering. It arises from some dormant energy within, yet all of us search for love on the outside. But all of us search for love in the beloved― ― Osho The Inner Journey is a precise manual for tuning the instrument― body, mind, heart, hara― to an inner balance and harmony that will pave the way for the experience of meditation. Osho speaks of meditation as a music that naturally flows in a well-tuned instrument, and of love as the dance that moves to this music.
SKU: B2000039 Category: Product ID: 22604
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In Breaking All Boundaries, Osho uncovers the layers of conditioning that have imprisoned the mind of each and every human being, and have formed centuries-thick boundaries that hold man back from reaching his potential. And he reveals how, the very moment that the old is gone, one can enter the space of meditation. In this book, Osho explores several techniques for reaching this clear, clean state. Rarely will you find the truth so easy to understand, and the way forward so practically explained.

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Weight 0.500 kg