Rainbow Weekend Canvas, Colors and Creativity
August 25-27, 2023
Facilitated by Ma Anubodhi
Starts Friday, Aug 25th Noon (Arrival before lunch)
Ends Sunday, Aug 27th Evening
Painting sessions between 2PM – 4PM
Creativity is the natural expression of meditation. It is the flowering of consciousness. This workshop is an opportunity to connect with our creative dimension. Immersing ourselves in colors, moving with the brush, we enjoy the process of canvas turning into a colorful painting.
Treat yourself to a weekend of Osho meditations and afternoon painting sessions. At the end of three days you will be able to take home the joy of creation and a canvas work of your own!
You are welcome if you are an artist or not. No prior experience in painting is required. Compositions are selected in a way it can be completed over three sittings. Canvas and colors are provided as part of the workshop.
“Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence. If you want to create, you have to get rid of all conditionings.”
The Goose is Out
Also, Explore Osho’s other Meditative Therapies: Mystic Rose Group and Born Again Group