Compilation of Osho Quotes on Death

These are only outer symptoms. Death is the transfer of the soul from one body to another body, or in cases when a man is fully awakened, from one body to the body of the whole universe. It is a great journey, but you cannot know it from the outside. From outside, only symptoms are available; and those symptoms have made people afraid.
The fear has reasons. The fear arises because it is always somebody else who dies. You always see death from the outside, and death is an experience of the innermost being. It is just like watching love from the outside. You may watch for years, but you will not come to know anything of what love is. You may come to know the manifestations of love, but not love itself. We know the same about death. Just the manifestations on the surface – the breathing has stopped, the heart has stopped, the man as he used to talk and walk is no more there: just a corpse is lying there instead of a living body.
Take some time to reflect on how you prioritize your day and make sure you have some “life study” and “death study” plugged in next to “painting time” and “writing time” (for example).  It could be one of the most important time and energy investments you ever prioritize. We hope you enjoy our list and would love it if you would leave us some of your enlightened thoughts in the comment section below!  …Cheers to living your best life!
Death is the most misunderstood phenomenon. People have thought of death as the end of life. That is the first, basic misunderstanding.
“What is the secret to the art of life?  The secret is this – live in full awareness.  Don’t grope in the darkness; don’t walk in sleep; walk in awareness.  Whatsoever you do, no matter what it is – even if it is as insignificant as opening and closing your eyes – do it thoughtfully, do it with awareness.  Who knows, everything may depend on that tiny action, on opening and closing your eyes.  You may be walking along the road and see a woman, and you may spend your whole life with her!  Even opening and closing your eyes, stay alert.”
Osho, The Art of Living and Dying
Find out what he believes to be the “secret” of life and how you can come to terms with death so that it is no longer a fear.  And as with any other deep insight, it will take discipline and deep reflection to internalize his message.  Good luck and enjoy! 🙂
“The fear of death is fear of time.  And the fear of time is, deeply down, fear of unlived moments, of an unlived life.  So what to do?  Live more, and live more intensely.  Live dangerously.  It is your life.  Don’t sacrifice it for any sort of foolishness that has been taught to you.  It is your life: Live it!  Don’t sacrifice it for words, theories, countries or politics.  Don’t sacrifice it for anybody.  Live it!  Don’t think that it is courageous to die.  The only courage is to live life totally; there is no other courage.”
Osho, The Art of Living and Dying
“Life is spread out over a long time – seventy years, one hundred years.  Death is intense because it is not spread out – it is in a single moment.  Life has to pass one hundred years or seventy years, it cannot be so intense.  Death comes in a single moment; it comes whole, not fragmentary.  It will be so intense you cannot know anything more intense.  But if you are afraid, if before death comes you have escaped, if you have become unconscious because of the fear, you have missed one of the golden opportunities, the golden gate.  If your whole life you have been accepting things, when death comes, patiently, passively you will accept and enter into it without any effort to escape.  If you can enter death passively, silently, without any effort, death disappears.”
Osho, The Art of Living and Dying
But everybody is afraid of death; that too is contagious. Your parents are afraid of death, your neighbors are afraid of death. Small children start getting infected by this constant fear all around. Everybody is afraid of death. People don’t even want to talk about death.

List Of All Osho Quotes On Various Topics

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