Osho Books – Discourse Series, English-S
Listed in alphabetical order |
109 | Sat Chit Anand Truth Consciousnes Bliss, Talks given from 22/11/87 am to 06/12/87 pm, English Discourse series, 30 Chapters Content : This mantra is the expression of the ultimate for mystics like Buddha, Socrates and Lao Tzu, for those who are contemplative rather than poetic by nature. Explaining that meditation is the master key, Osho emphasizes the treasures of the inner world, and the urgent need for the quantum leap from mind to being. “The teachings of Osho, in fact, encompass many religions, but he is not defined by any of them. He is an illuminating speaker on Zen, Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity and ancient Greek philosophy…and also a prolific author.” | Read |
110 | Satyam Shivam Sundram Truth Godliness Beauty, Talks given from 07/11/87 am to 21/11/87 pm, English Discourse series, 9 Chapters, Year published : 1977 Content : A must for those new to meditation and to Osho’s vision, this series of discourses addresses a variety of subjects, in response to questions such as: Why is it so difficult to be in a state of let-go? Are men responsible for women feeling fed up? How can I love better? What is it to give and what is it to receive? Why do enlightened masters criticize each other? Are there real differences in races? Why am I scared to accept myself as I am? And many more. “He had provided us a rare insight into our lives and times. He has ridiculed us, pushed us…hurt us, and thereby, made richer human beings out of us. He made us think for ourselves; forced us to reject him, and by that act of rejection, brought us closer to him —and in a strange kind of way, closer to ourselves.” | Read |
111 | The Search Talks on the Ten Bulls of Zen, Talks given from 01/03/76 am to 10/03/76 am, English Discourse Series, 9 Chapters, Year Published : 1977 Content : The ten paintings that tell the famous Zen story of a farmer in search of his lost bull provide an allegorical expression of the search for enlightenment. Originally Taoist, The Ten Bulls were repainted by the 12th-century Chinese Zen master, Kakuan, and first appeared in the West in American author, Paul Reps’book, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. These discourses are Osho’s commentaries on the paintings, and on the poetry and prose which accompany them in Paul Reps’book. In answering the question, “Why am I here?” Osho dismantles not only this but probably every “why” the mind can contrive. There is a beautiful talk about the relation between discipline and awareness; another about Tantra and Yoga, the path of love and the path of meditation and where they meet. | Read |
112 | The Secret Discourses on Sufism, Talks given from 11/10/78 am to 31/10/78 am, English Discourse Series, 21 Chapters, Year Published : 1980 Content : Osho uses a delightful selection of Sufi tales to impart the essence of the path of love. And “the secret”? The goal itself is the source, the seeker is the sought. | Read |
113 | The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1 Talks on the Secret of the Golden Flower, Talks given from 11/08/78 am to 26/08/78 am, English Discourse Series, 16 Chapters Content : In these unique discourses Osho unravels the many technical terms used by Lao Tzu’s predecessor, the Chinese mystic Lu Tsu and explains his meditation techniques. He outlines the qualities of animus and anima – our male and female energies – as delineated by Lu Tsu, and explains the importance of their relationship inside each individual. Throughout these discourses there is a sense of urgency, the urgency of a scientist who sees the technology available but not being implemented. For Osho religion is not speculative but essentially experiential, an experiment as scientific as the outer, objective science. | Read |
114 | The Secret of Secrets, Vol 2 Talks on the Secret of the Golden Flower, Talks given from 27/08/78 am to 10/09/78 am, English Discourse Series, 15 Chapters Content : Osho transforms the texts of Lu Tsu into readily accessible wisdom of lasting appeal. In alternate discourses he talks on a vast range of subjects – love as therapy and prayer as the highest form of love; love and death; fear of the unexpected, and the difference between the intelligence of the mind and that of the heart. | Read |
115 | Sermons in Stones Talks given from 05/11/86 pm to 29/12/86 pm, English Discourse series, 30 Chapters, Year Published : 1987 Content : Osho explores the theme of the individual’s responsibility in creating the world we live in during these discourses given in Bombay just before his return to Poona. Also included is his point-by-point critique of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and his own formulation of human rights for a new humanity. | Read |
116 | Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries Talks given from 19/02/86 pm to 15/04/86 am, English Discourse series, 28 Chapters, Year Published : 1988 Content : As the bishop of Crete’s Greek Orthodox Church urges the local citizenry to forcibly drive him out of the villa where he is staying, Osho revives the spirit of Zorba in a series of lively talks to his disciples and to visiting journalists. Eventually Osho, like Socrates, was accused of “corrupting the youth”—and his heavy-handed deportation is documented in an eight-page color section at the end of this volume. But in the meantime the “corruption” had been recorded in print. A banquet of timely topics, from politics and religion to teenagers and sex, it sparkles like the Mediterranean setting in which it happened. | Read |
117 | Sufis : The People of the Path, Vol 1 Talks on Sufism, Talks given from 11/08/77 am to 26/08/77 am, English Discourse series, 16 Chapters Content : Jokes…paradox…parables…wisdom….absurdity…all to shake the reader out of his intellect and into the innocence of the mystic. Osho distills the essence of Sufism for the contemporary man, not to inform the reader about the state of mysticism but to create the situation in which we discover the mystic within ourselves. | Read |
118 | Sufis : The People of the Path, Vol 2 Talks on Sufism, Talks given from 27/08/77 am to 10/09/77 am, English Discourse series, 15 Chapters Content : Osho takes a dozen or so beautiful Sufi anecdotes and uses them as tools to chip away at the obsolete and blind belief systems in which modern man is ensnared. | Read |
119 | The Sun Rises in the Evening Talks on Zen, Talks given from 11/06/78 am to 20/06/78 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters, Year published: 1980 Content : These commentaries on sutras, alternating with answers to seekers’ questions, are richly laced with stories and anecdotes about Krishnamurti, Plato, Socrates, Hubert Benoit, Raman Maharshi, Jean-Paul Sartre, Camus, Tolstoy, Nietzsche, Eckhart and Gurdjieff… East and West merge into one quest as Osho urges us to realize our buddha-consciousness, our enlightenment—that which we always have been. “You’ll learn more about yourself reading one chapter of The Search than you will reading a dozen ordinary books on Zen.” | Read |
120 | The Supreme Doctrine Talks on the Kenopanishad, Talks given from 08/07/73 pm to 16/07/73 pm, English Discourse series, 17 Chapters, Year published: 1977 Content : The Supreme Doctrine deals in depth with many aspects of meditation, the fundamentals of how to move intensely and totally into this experience spoken of by the rishis in the Ken Upanishad . Osho’s insights are incisive, his freshness and dynamism are captured in these talks. He explains the process of meditation: “Meditation is first of all an effort to make you independent; and second, to change your type and quality of consciousness. With a new quality of consciousness old problems cannot exist: they simply disappear.” | Read |
121 | The Sword and The Lotus Talks given from 15/01/86 am to 13/02/86 pm, English Discourse series, 24 Chapters Content : This volume captures the fast pace of Osho’s six-week stay in Nepal, the birthplace of Buddha. He answers questions from his sannyasins in his hotel suite in the mornings and every evening from press in the hotel conference room: What is your message to the modern Nepalese Buddhists? What is your message for the Pope who is in India now? What do you think about the New Age movement? You teach us to be thankful to existence, but how can I be thankful to those who speak against you and try to destroy your work? With no white lies, no beating around the bush, no platitudes and no mincing of words, Osho’s truth cuts clean with the skill of a master swordsman and the compassion symbolized in the lotus.” | Read |