Osho Books – Discourse Series, English-P

Discourse SeriesDarshan DiariesTranslations from HindiMiscellaneous
Listed in alphabetical order
094The Path of Love
Talks on Songs of Kabir, Talks given from 21/12/76 am to 31/12/76 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters, Year published : 1978
Content : Osho has said that history, as taught in schools, is a history of criminals like Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Hitler…. The real history is the evolution of consciousness created by enlightened masters. To re-write history, Osho introduces to us the great mystics of the world. In his book The Path of Love, are the exquisite songs of the fifteenth century mystic Kabir, with Osho’s enlightened interpretation. Each great master has his own fragrance and way of teaching. Kabir is unique in that, as an orphan, he came from a poor background. He was adopted by a spiritual teacher, and later became a weaver by trade; he married and took care of his family. After he became the much beloved master of thousands of disciples, he continued to weave, taking his cloth to the market and greeting customers personally. “Osho is the rarest and most talented religionist to appear in this century. His interpretations are saturated with the truth of Buddhism.” Kazuyoshi Kino Professor of Buddhist Studies, Tokyo
095The Path of the Mystic
Talks given from 04/05/86 pm to 26/05/86 am, English Discourse series, 44 Chapters, Year published : 1988
Content : This book is one of the most remarkable series of discourses on the esoteric ever delivered by Osho. Examining arcane subjects, including his own use of a form of Tibetan hypnosis called Bardo, Osho shares his wisdom on such topics as hypnosis and dehypnosis, out-of-the-body experiences, the seven layers of man’s consciousness and techniques to help enter and to bring the unconscious mind to light. He also speaks on his Mystery School, and the role it will have in the development of a new humanity.
096The Perfect Master, Vol 1
Talks on Sufi Stories, Talks given from 21/06/78 am to 30/06/78 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters
Content : Osho comments on Sufi anecdotes and responds to questions from seekers. But how to recognize “the perfect master”? Osho suggests that rather than being concerned about who the “perfect master” is, become the perfect disciple and the right master will appear. And how to become the perfect disciple? The answer to this and a diverse range of topics from prayer and past lives to anxiety and what is meant by a mystical experience is peppered within the text of these unforgettable talks.
097The Perfect Master, Vol 2
Talks on Sufi Stories, Talks given from 01/07/78 am to 10/07/78 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters
Content : Osho comments on Sufi anecdotes and responds to questions from seekers. But how to recognize “the perfect master”? Osho suggests that rather than being concerned about who the “perfect master” is, become the perfect disciple and the right master will appear. And how to become the perfect disciple? The answer to this and a diverse range of topics from prayer and past lives to anxiety and what is meant by a mystical experience is peppered within the text of these unforgettable talks.
098Philosophia Perennis, Vol 1
Talks on Sufi Stories, Talks given from 21/12/78 am to 30/12/78 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters

Content : Osho declares that if the Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras had been listened to and understood, humanity’s history would have been totally different. Pythagoras is a man close to Osho’s heart, with his understanding that materialism and spiritualism — East and West, body and soul –exist together, are not opposing forces but complementary facets of a harmony. In this series of talks Osho discusses the verses of Pythagoras and responds to seekers’questions.
099Philosophia Perennis, Vol 2
Talks on Pythagoras, Talks given from 31/12/78 am to 10/01/79 am, English Discourse series, 11 Chapters, Year published : 1981

Content : Osho explains in this volume that Pythagoras who he describes as “a seeker of truth par excellence,” lived in Alexandria and was initiated into the mystery schools of Egypt in his search. He then traveled to India, Tibet and China—then the whole-known world—in his search until he became self-realized. He found a perennial philosophy but was persecuted by society, attempts made on his life, and he was unable to work out his system in detail. The fragments that were left after his death were collected and written up by a disciple in The Golden Verses of Pythagoras. Osho expounds on the idea of the East and West as representative of the brain’s two hemispheres; on fanaticism, beliefs, friendship, and on the two Pythagorean laws—of necessity and power. His enthusiasm and love for Pythagoras are evident in these talks on his verses.
100Philosophia Ultima
Discourses on the Mandukya Upanishad, Talks given from 11/12/80 am to 26/12/80 am, English Discourse series, 16 Chapters, Year published : 1980
Content : These discourses contain what Osho describes as the most significant statements ever made, and which point to the whole secret of the mystic approach towards life. And the sutra that begins this series of discourses, he says, contains the very essence of the entire Upanishadic vision—that the universe is an indivisible totality, an organic whole. Osho illuminates these ancient texts with such clarity that their significance seems stunningly obvious. A wealth of jokes and amusing anecdotes are magically interwoven through his commentaries.
101Press Conferences
Talks given from 20/08/85 to 1/1/86, English Discourse series, 11 Chapters, Year published : Unpublished
102The Psychology of the Esoteric
Talks given from 1972, English Discourse series, 12 Chapters, Year published : 1978
Content : Osho begins from where Western psychology leaves off. Through this stunning series of discourses he takes the reader beyond Freud and Jung, beyond the Human Potential Movement, to the psychology of enlightenment, of buddhahood. In these talks Osho reveals his vision of a New Man a man who embraces all aspects of his being and the creation of a climate in which that new man can realize his ultimate potential. Osho covers a multitude of subjects in response to questions from seekers: the nature of meditation; sex, love and prayer as the three essential steps to the divine; destiny; why Western youth is attracted to Eastern religion and philosophy; the significance of kundalini yoga; dream psychology and the seven energy bodies.

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