Osho Books – Discourse Series, English-C

Discourse SeriesDarshan DiariesTranslations from HindiMiscellaneous
Listed in alphabetical order
015Christianity : The Deadliest Poison
Talks given from 22/01/89 pm to 29/01/89 pm, English Discourse series, 8 Chapters
Content : With ruthless precision and wisdom that is often shocking, Osho dismembers Christianity in the presence of twenty-one Jesuit priests visiting his commune during this series. This is Osho at his most candid as he deals with all the unspoken questions anyone from a Christian background might ever want to ask. Also available on “I think the essential thing he does is first to cut the dead wood of religions, because there’s so much accumulated rubbish around every religious system. And he is quite merciless in what is necessary.”

016Come Follow To You, Vol 1
Reflections on Jesus of Nazareth, Talks given from 21/10/75 am to 30/10/75 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters
Content : Osho makes a clear distinction between the rebel called Jesus Christ and the religion that followed after him—Christianity. Through the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John he reintroduces Jesus as a man, a mystic and an uncompromising master filled with love, fire and compassion. A treat for those in love with Jesus’words. “I have never heard anyone so beautifully and playfully integrate and then dissolve the psychological problems which, for generations, have sapped our human energies.”
017Come Follow To You, Vol 2
Reflections on Jesus of Nazareth, Talks given from 31/10/75 am to 10/11/75 am, English Discourse series, 11 Chapters
Content : Osho talks on Jesus the man, Jesus the Jew, Jesus the revolutionary, Jesus the mystic. That is, he speaks on Christ, not on Christianity. The Christ that Osho speaks about is alive, vital. As Osho responds to the sayings of Jesus, suddenly what Jesus was trying to impart becomes luminously clear, startlingly relevant. In addition, Osho answers questions from seekers such as: How does consciousness relate to God? Did Jesus manipulate the High Priests to bring about his martyrdom? Are fear and guilt the same thing? “I have never heard anyone so beautifully and playfully integrate and then dissolve the psychological problems which, for generations, have sapped our human energies.”
018Come Follow To You, Vol 3
Reflections on Jesus of Nazareth, Talks given from 11/12/75 am to 20/12/75, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters
Content : Jesus is brought alive in a new and dynamic way—not the Jesus that the theologians and scholars have presented to us but Jesus as seen through the eyes of a contemporary mystic. In alternate discourses Osho answers questions about trust, his path in relation to other paths, the difference between being a fatalist and going with the flow, perfectionism, the behavior of an enlightened man, the paradox of tears of joy, being distracted by the world while on the path of meditation and his interpretation of The Lord’s Prayer amongst others. “I have never heard anyone so beautifully and playfully integrate and then dissolve the psychological problems which, for generations, have sapped our human energies.”
019Come Follow To You, Vol 4
Reflections on Jesus of Nazareth, Talks given from 21/12/75 am to 31/12/75 am, English Discourse series, 11 Chapters
Content : Osho talks on Jesus the man, Jesus the Jew, Jesus the revolutionary, Jesus the mystic. That is, he speaks on Christ, not on Christianity. The Christ that Osho speaks about is alive, vital. As Osho responds to the sayings of Jesus, suddenly what Jesus was trying to impart becomes luminously clear, startlingly relevant. In addition, Osho answers questions from seekers such as: How does consciousness relate to God? Did Jesus manipulate the High Priests to bring about his martyrdom? Are fear and guilt the same thing? “I have never heard anyone so beautifully and playfully integrate and then dissolve the psychological problems which, for generations, have sapped our human energies.”
020Come, Come, Yet Again Come
Responses to Disciples Questions, Talks given from 27/10/80 am to 10/11/80 am, English Discourse series, 15 Chapters, Year published: 1980
Content : Osho’s invitation echoes the words of the Sufi mystic, Jalaluddin Rumi: “Come, come, whoever you are; wanderer, worshipper, lover of learning it does not matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times. Come, come, yet again come.” Seekers from all over the world bring their questions to Osho and he responds with characteristic individualized attention, warmth and humor.
021Communism and Zen Fire, Zen Wind
Talks given from 30/01/89 pm to 05/02/89 pm, English Discourse series, 7 Chapters, Year published: 1989
Content : In the presence of a TV crew from the USSR, and almost a year before the walls of Eastern Europe crumble, Osho offers a unique appraisal reappraisal of Soviet Communism. From Socialism to Communism to Anarchism, Osho takes the reader on an historical journey paved with misunderstandings and false hopes, carefully teasing out the one missing ingredient in that extra-ordinary experiment. Osho anticipates Gorbachev’s Noble Prize and gives a prescient warning about the tragic effects that supporting his plans will have on Soviet Russia. Osho also exposes how the US is already orchestrating its own ultimate downfall…all sublty entwined with Zen anecdotes and a dazzling selection of haikus.

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