One World, One Government

Osho on Poverty and One World Government

My community is so much more intelligent that there is no need for nature to balance it. In four years’ time here, not a single baby has been born. Four sannyasins have died. I am not going to overburden the earth. It is simply a way of nature to establish harmony. It is in fact absolutely true that service to the poor has been the basic cause of poverty remaining for centuries.

You go on throwing a few crumbs off your table, and those poor people go on hoping for more, and your priests go on telling them, “Just wait a little. After death you are going to be in paradise.” And in paradise, even a camel can pass through the eye of a needle, but no rich man can enter the gates.

They console the poor to remain poor. They make him happy because the rich man will suffer in hell. They make the rich man happy because their consolation of the poor prevents revolution. The happy rich man goes on contributing to make big cathedrals, churches, because he knows that if he can manage here, he will be able to manage there too — if even a camel can manage, do you think Rockefeller, Morgan or Ford will not be able to manage? They are certainly far more intelligent than a camel.

I am certainly against poverty, and I want to destroy it completely. But to destroy it completely one thing has to be understood, that all preventive measures should be taken. People who are not giving birth to children should be rewarded. People who are giving birth to children — their income taxes should go higher and higher. People are doing just the opposite. If you have more children, you have less income tax. This is strange. The government policy is family planning, and on the other hand if the family is bigger you support the bigger family, you don’t support the person who has no family.

These priests and politicians are responsible for keeping poverty somehow alive. They are still doing that. Send help to Ethiopia, send help to India. It fulfills the ego of the super-rich countries, and it also keeps those poor countries in a subtle, mental slavery, always dependent on you.

If I am listened to, it is so simple a matter. We just need one world government; we don’t need any countries. We need one government, one world, and that government, that world can easily see where the problem is. Even a poor country like India, where people are starving, is exporting wheat to other countries. It seems we are living in a madhouse! Indians are dying, starving, and they are exporting wheat. But they have to export, because they want to make nuclear weapons. From where are they going to get nuclear plants? They need money for that.

Seventy-five percent of the national incomes of all the countries goes to war, either fighting or preparing for fighting. If the world is one, seventy-five percent of the income of the whole world is immediately released. Poverty disappears like a dewdrop in the early morning sun…


A: Do I have to say?

I curse it. It is the calamity that has made us live for centuries in suffering. Politics is absolutely unnecessary. But politicians will not allow it to become unnecessary because then they lose their presidencies, their White Houses, their Kremlins, their prime ministerships. Politics is not needed, it is really out of date. It was needed because nations were continuously fighting. In three thousand years there have been five thousand wars.

If we just dissolve the boundary lines — which exist only on the map not on the earth — who will bother about politics? Yes, there will be a world government but this government will be only functional. It won’t have any prestige to it, because there will be no competition with anybody. If you are the president of the world government, so what? You are not higher than anybody else. A functional government means the way railways are run. Who cares who is the president of the railways? The way the post office is managed and managed perfectly, who cares who is the head postmaster general?

Nations have to disappear, and with the disappearance of nations politics itself disappears. It commits suicide. What remains is a functional organization that takes care. It can be made rotary like a Rotary Club, so sometimes a black man is the head, sometimes a woman is the head, sometimes a Chinese is the head, sometimes a Russian is the head, sometimes an American is the head — but it goes on moving like a wheel. Perhaps not more than six months should be given to one person, more than that is dangerous. So for six months be president and then go down the drain forever. And no person should be chosen again. This is simply poverty of intelligence that you go on choosing the same person as president again, again and again. Don’t you see it as poverty of intelligence? You don’t have any intelligent people? You have just one dodo to go on?

In one world there is no need for political parties, either. Individuals should decide individually. There is no need for any political party, it is very destructive of democracy. Although people say that democracy cannot exist without political parties, I say to you democracy cannot exist if political parties are there, because they have their vested interests. Each individual is free to run for any post or to vote for anybody he feels right. And whoever comes out may be far wiser than your presidents and prime ministers. Perhaps because he is going to be there for only six months, he cannot waste his time inaugurating this university, inaugurating that bridge, inaugurating this road, inaugurating all kinds of nonsense and wasting time. And the parliament is simply arguing about absolutely meaningless affairs as if they have eternity in their hands. A small bill takes years to pass.

A man who has only six months cannot allow this stupidity. He will choose scientific advisers, experts in different fields. For example, in economics he will find all the best economic minds in the world to advise him. He has not much time. He cannot go on with third-rate politicians who know only the art of lying and nothing else. If he has to decide about education, he will ask the advice of the great educationists of the world. But right now strange things happen….

In India, when I was there, in Morarji Desai’s government a man became the education minister of the central government. I know the man. I have seen many idiots, but he is only number two — because number one is Morarji Desai. He is the education minister. He is going to decide the whole educational system of the country. But he decides nothing. The bureaucracy goes on running in the same way. They go on playing the small games of back-biting, of pulling legs, of making every effort to reach to the top. Just a single formula I give to you: one world.


Listen to complete discourse at mentioned below link.

Discourse name: The Last Testament, Vol 1 Chapter title: The Fruits Are Ripe Chapter #3

20 July 1985 pm in Jesus Grove


Osho has spoken on ‘One World Government’ in many of His discourses. More on the subject can be referred to in the following books/discourses:

  1. Communism and Zen Fire, Zen Wind
  2. From Bondage to Freedom
  3. From Darkness to Light
  4. From the False to the Truth
  5. Hari Om Tat Sat
  6. Sermons in Stones
  7. The Transmission of the Lamp
  8. The Razor’s Edge
  9. Sat Chit Anand
  10. The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1
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