Only the one who dissolves, will gain!


Swami Chaitanya Sagar – Known as Lehru Bhai left his body on 25th September, 2022 at the age of 86.

Laherubhai (aka Chaitanya Sagar, Laherchand B. Shah) was born in August 1938. At the age of 28, in 1967, he met Osho. He has been running his own business in Mumbai and Osho insisted he continue his job, along with meditation, and asked him to remain in ‘the market place’. In the same building as his office, he and other Osho friends started the first meditation centre. Laherubhai lives in one of Mumbai’s busiest districts.

In chapter 1 of ‘Blessed Moments with Osho’, Laherubhai writes about seeing and hearing Osho for the first time at Cross Maidan, Mumbai.

Laherubhai-recording-a-discourse-by-OshoMarch 21, 1967, was the turning point of my life. I was 28 years old. On that day I saw Osho for the first time and had the opportunity to listen to his discourse. Coincidentally, March 21, 1953, was also Osho’s Enlightenment Day – I discovered that much later, after many years.

The subject of the discourse was ‘Is God Dead?’ (Kya Ishwar Mar Gaya Hai?). It was in Hindi. It was the second day of the discourse series, and its subtitle in the book would then be, ‘Only the one who dissolves, will gain’ (Jo Mitega Wahi Payega).

One of my friends, Shri Gunubhai Shah, told me that on that day Acharya Shri Rajneesh (as Osho was then known) would be giving a discourse at Cross Maidan, near Dhobi Talao, Mumbai. He asked me to accompany him. I thought that Acharya Rajneesh might be a Jain Monk or something like that. I was not interested in religious or spirituWhatsApp Image 2022-09-25 at 9.32.51 PMal matters at that time, so tried hard to avoid going with him. However, he insisted and took me with him to the discourse.

When I saw Osho there, I realised that he was not a Jain Monk. I heard that he lived in Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh, India) and was a professor in a college there. The students of the college used to address him as Acharyashri, and that was the reason he was known as Acharya Rajneeshji.

When I saw and heard him, I realized that he was not an ordinary orator or a monk or a sannyasin. I felt he was some divine, revolutionary, powerful person. His dress, a white khadi (hand-woven cotton) dhoti, a khadi shawl on this shoulders, and a khadi handkerchief in one hand, his impressive face, his physical beauty, his long arms, his compassionate and magnetic eyes and his style of sitting, attracted me very much.

There must have been about five thousand people in that gathering. When he started his discourse there was complete silence. It felt as if an uninterrupted current of some divine sweet music was flowing.

He spoke in Hindi. I did not understand what he was saying or what he wanted us to understand. However, his voice was hypnotizing, and I felt as if some divine voice was calling me through him, and I was drowning in its flow. I felt as if I had become completely blank.

After listening to Osho for this first time, I felt a strong desire to meet him personally. I got information about him then and there, and the next day I reached the place where he was staying.

At that time Osho was a guest at the Bungalow of Shri Dhanpatibhai, also known as Kakubhai, at Vachha Gandhi Road, Vachha Vila, Mumbai. When I entered his room, some friends were sitting around Osho and a conversation was going on. I paid obeisance to him and sat there silently.

After some time Osho looked at me and asked me in Hindi, “Do you want to ask anything?” I could only say, “You know everything.” He smiled. I was overwhelmed and paid obeisance to him and left.

After that, whenever Osho’s discourses or other programs were arranged in Mumbai, I used to go with my tape recorder and record the discourse. Other friends from the audience also used to record on their tape recorders.

Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Laherubhai’s book ‘Blessed Moments with Osho’ – with editing from Osho News

Review by Tarpan
‘Blessed Moments with Osho’

We are thankful to Osho News for the above article. 



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