
Krishna is utterly incomparable, he is so unique. Firstly, his uniqueness lies in the fact that although Krishna happened in the ancient past he belongs to the future, is really of the future. Man has yet to grow to that height where he can be a contemporary of Krishna’s. He is still beyond man’s understanding; he continues to puzzle and battle us. Only in some future time will we be able to understand him and appreciate his virtues. And there are good reasons for it.
The most important reason is that Krishna is the sole great man in our whole history who reached the absolute height and depth of religion, and yet he is not at all serious and sad, not in tears. By and large, the chief characteristic of a religious person has been that he is somber, serious and sad-looking — like one vanquished in the battle of life, like a renegade from life. In the long line of such sages it is Krishna alone who comes dancing, singing and laughing.
– Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy, Chapter #1
Krishna is right when he says, nainam chhindanti shastrani — “No weapon can even touch me”…nainam dahati pravaka — “And neither can the fire burn me.” He is not talking about the body, the brain, the self — they will all be destroyed — but there is something in you indestructible, immortal, eternal. It was with you before your birth and it will be with you after your birth, because it is you, your essential being.
To know it is to be free, free from all prisons: the prisons of the body, the prisons of the mind, the prisons that exist outside you.
– The Messiah, Vol 2, Chapter #2
You will be surprised that Krishna is the only great Master in the world who is known to have cheated. And Hindus call him `the most perfect Master’. He is. Rama is not that perfect; he is very afraid of cheating, he is too sincere. Sincerity is his bondage. He is not relaxed. He is perfect saint: he had denied all that is wrong — but that is seriously, and that shows that you are still taking the game very, very seriously. You are not taking it as a game.
Krishna is totally different: it is a game. He promises one day and forgets on another day. He is really liberated; his liberation is perfect, without flaw. His liberation is without flaw because he knows all is a game. When all is a game and all is a dream, then why be bothered? He is not worried and bothered. He plays it and remains unattached.
– The Path of Love, Chapter #5
Love is an infinite stillness, a state of rootedness. Krishna has called this state of rootedness sthita-pragya. Love can only happen to one whose mind has come to a standstill, it trembles no more.
– Nowhere To Go But In, Chapter #5
Krishna accepts life with all its flowers and thorns, its light and shade, sweet and sour. He accepts life choicelessly, unconditionally. He accepts life as it is. It is not that Krishna chooses only the flowers of life and shuns its thorns; he accepts both together, because he knows thorns are as necessary to life as the flowers. Ordinarily we think thorns are inimical to flowers. It is not true. Thorns are there for the protection of flowers; they are deeply connected with each other. They are united — members of each other. They share common roots, and they live for a common purpose. Many people would like to destroy the thorn and save the flower, but that is not possible. They are parts of each other, and both have to be saved.
So Krishna not only accepts politics, he lives in the thick of politics without the least difficulty.
– Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy, Chapter #10
BHAGAVADGITA — the divine song of Krishna. By the way ‘Christ’ is only a mispronunciation of ‘Krishna’ just as ‘Zoroaster’ is of ‘Zarathustra’. ‘Krishna’ means the highest state of consciousness, and the song of Krishna, the BHAGAVADGITA, reaches to the ultimate heights of being.
– Books I Have Loved, Chapter #1