J. Krishnamurti

With J. Krishnamurti the situation is totally new. He is enlightened, and he is not orthodox — but he has gone to the other extreme: he is anti-orthodox. Anti should be underlined.
– From Personality to Individuality, Chapter #7
J. Krishnamurti is a beautiful man but one-dimensional, very linear, one line; he follows one track. Hence you will not find any contradictions in him. For fifty years he has been repeating simply the same thing again and again. unknowingly he has conditioned people; just by repeating the same thing again and again for fifty years he has hypnotized people. He has created a great difficulty for those people: he is not a Master himself, he cannot impart his experience — he is an ARHATA, not a BODHISATTVA — and he has prevented those people from going into search for some other living Master. He has created a real mess in many people: they would have been in search of a Master but he has prevented them. His logic is clear, appealing, very appealing to the egoist, particularly to the so-called intelligentsia, very appealing, because the so-called intellegentsia is always afraid of surrender, of dropping the ego — they are egoist people. And when he says, “There is no need to follow, there is no need to go to any Master, there is no need of any initiation,” they feel very happy. Their ego is saved but their ego is there.
Now the ego even has the support of Krishnamurti, and all his arguments will be used by the ego. And that’s what has happened to thousands of people who have listened to him. He has not been a blessing, because of his linear logic.
In the ancient days people like Krishnamurti used to remain silent. That was the way of the ARHATA — because he knows that he cannot impart, he has no skill, he remains silent. He does not go around the world telling people, that “I cannot impart and nobody else can do it either.”
– I Am That, Chapter #3
AN ENLIGHTENED person can never be wrong. Neither J. Krishnamurti is wrong, but he never considers the situation in which you are. He considers only the space in which he is, and that freedom is part of enlightenment.
The enlightened person has reached the highest peak of consciousness; his abode is on Everest. Now it is his freedom to speak according to the peak, the sunlit peak where he is, or to consider the people who are still in the dark valley, who know nothing about the light, for whom the peak of the Everest is only a dream, only a perhaps”. This is the freedom of the enlightened person. Krishnamurti speaks in terms where he is.
I speak in terms where you are, I consider you, because if I am speaking to you, you have to be taken in consideration. I have to lead you towards the highest peak, but the journey will begin in the dark valley, in your unconsciousness. If I talk about my experience, absolutely inconsiderate of you, I am right, but I am not useful to you.
An enlightened person is never wrong, but he can be useful or he can be useless.
– I Am That, Chapter #7
The death of an enlightened being like J. Krishnamurti is nothing to be sad about, it is something to be celebrated with songs and dances. It is a moment of rejoicing.
His death is not a death. He knows his immortality. His death is only the death of the body. But J. Krishnamurti will go on living in the universal consciousness, forever and forever.
– Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries, Chapter #8
J. Krishnamurti’s THE FIRST AND LAST FREEDOM. I love this man, and I hate this man. I love him because he speaks the truth, but I hate him for his intellectuality. He is only reason, rationality. I wonder, he may be a reincarnation of that goddamned Greek Aristotle. His logic is what I hate, his love is what I respect — but his book is beautiful.
This was his first book after his enlightenment, and the last too. Although many other books have appeared they are only poor repetitions of the same. He has not been able to create anything better than THE FIRST AND LAST FREEDOM.
– Books I Have Loved, Chapter #3