Ma Anand Himani's journey to the other shore

Ma Anand Himani


Ma Anand Himani left her Body at 3:07pm, March 07, 2024 in Rishikesh, India

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-07 at 8.32.59 PM

Ma Anand Himani was born in Germany during the Second World War.  She held a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Hamburg.  She was a teacher in special education, a speech therapist, a Reiki teacher, and a Vipassana practitioner when at the age of forty she started a new life with Osho.

As a member of the Osho Mystery School in Pune, from 1989 to 1998, she gave initiations into the first, second and Master’s degree of Osho Neo-Reiki and created trainings for Metaphysical Energy work at the Osho Commune in Pune. In 1992 she founded the Osho Institute of Neo-Reiki and Creativity, after having discovered art in the form of energy paintings.

For many years she had been traveling back and forth from Europe to India, Nepal and Taiwan to teach Meditation and Reiki, until she settled in Portugal, to then move again to her beloved Northern India in 2009, only to return to Portugal once more.

In her words, “I have lived and worked for nine years in the Osho Commune International in India –(from 1989 till 1998). I was giving Reiki in the Mystery School. On the very first day of my very first group, I received a message from Osho: “From now on you call it Osho Neo-Reiki.” That was a big moment for me. How could I grow into this name? How could I fill it? What was my very individual song in this existence?  And I went on to present Osho Neo-Reiki in three different degrees.  First, Second and a Master’s degree.”

On March 7th, 2024 in Rishikesh, Ma Himani left her body in the loving care of a few sannyasins.  Most of her Reiki disciples had gathered there almost 3 days before her departure. Swami Deva Chetan, Swami Akhil, Swami Bodhisattva, and Ma Maitri to name a few were looking after her for a few years in Panchkula and Rishikesh in India. Swami Akhil and other team members will continue facilitating Osho Neo Reiki retreats as taught by Ma Anand Himani.

“Himani was fortunate to have such reverence from so many Osho lovers from different parts of India. The final celebration from Buddha Hall Dhyan Mandir at Osho Gangadham (Osho’s Heart Sutra discourse where he mentions, gate gate gate, was played) became a very graceful celebrative departure till the last moment of burning the body on the ghat on the Ganga river.”

Swami Chaitanya Keerti

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