Guida Spirituale 12

Twelth Discourse from the series of 16 discourses - Guida Spirituale by Osho.
You can listen, download or read all of these discourses on oshoworld.com.

The first question:
In reference to your advising Indira Gandhi to impose a stricter emergency and suspend elections for fifteen years, Mid-Day carries the headline: “Stick to Your Religious Pursuits, Osho!” Do you have any response?
I teach the total man. One of the greatest problems that humanity is facing today is the fragmentary man. For centuries we have divided life into compartments. We have tried to make those compartments absolutely separate, so much so that one expert, one specialist knows nothing about anything else. He becomes very much informed, knowledgeable, about one aspect of life at the cost of the whole. His vision becomes lopsided.
They define science as knowing more and more about less and less. The problem now is how to make all these experts understand each other, how to create bridges – because man is not compartmentalized, man is one organic unity. Life is not divided, but we look at it as if it is divided. That “as if” is a fiction.
A man is not only a father: he is also a husband, he is also a son, he is also an uncle, he is also a brother; he is so many things. You cannot define him by labeling him as father, as son, as brother. That will be absolutely unjustified and absurd. A man has a multi-dimensional being.
Religion, in fact, is not one-dimensional. Religion is a very comprehensive view of the whole of life.
I am not a politician, and I am sticking to my pursuit – but religion is multi-dimensional, religion has to be all-inclusive. A politician may not be able to make any statement about religion because he is working in a one-dimensional pursuit. Politics is one-dimensional, science is one-dimensional, art is one-dimensional, philosophy is one-dimensional. That is where religion is totally different from all pursuits. It is not one of the pursuits, it is a vision that includes all. Hence a religious man has to be aware about the whole.
That is why sometimes I make statements about art, about science, about politics and about so many things. But up to now religious people have also thought that their pursuit is one-dimensional. After me they will have to redefine religion. I don’t believe in that definition. And I would like to say that I am strictly sticking to my pursuit, but my pursuit is not one of the pursuits – it includes all.
Religion is like a bird’s-eye view: the hills, the rivers, the trees, the people – all are included. That is the beauty of religion: it is not a specialized field. And that is why there is great hope that religion will have to be revived to its true nature, resurrected, because now the sciences, philosophy, politics, have all become so fragmentary that nobody knows what is actually happening. The physicist is not aware of what the chemist is doing, the chemist is not aware of what the mathematician is doing, the mathematician is not aware of what the politician is doing. That is how the atom bomb happened: the physicists went on pursuing, and they were doing right as far as they were concerned. To know about atomic energy is one of the great revelations.
Albert Einstein, the man who was most responsible for making us know about atomic energy, wrote a letter to the American president, not knowing anything at all about politicians. And his whole life he felt great guilt; he felt himself responsible for all that happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Of course, whatsoever he did, he was not aware, he was not at all conscious about the politician, his mind, his cunningness. He himself wrote a letter, saying, “Why don't we make atom bombs? Now the secret is there, and America can use the energy in many creative ways. It can transform the whole scene on the Earth. It can make man for the first time really rich, healthy; in every possible way atomic energy has the possibility to transform the whole Earth into a paradise.”
The American politicians jumped on the secret immediately, but what they did was totally different: the Earth has not been transformed into a paradise; it has become uglier than it was before.
In fact, there was no justification at all for dropping atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan because Japan was already losing its fight, they were losing the war. It was only a question of days; maybe the war would have continued two weeks or four weeks longer without dropping the atom bomb. And American politicians were in a hurry: before the war ends they have to throw the bomb to see what power they have gained through atomic energy, whether it is worthwhile or not. Thousands of people died, innocent people. Even the justification that it was needed to end the war is not true. The war was ending on its own; the German and the Japanese resources were finished. They were going to surrender; it was only a question of a few hours or at the most a few days. In a hurry the atom bomb was dropped on two cities, and two cities were reduced into deserts within seconds.
Albert Einstein felt the weight of the crime on his own heart; his whole life he remained sad. And when he was dying he was asked if he were born again whether he would like to be a physicist again. He said, “Never, never again. I would like rather to be a plumber!”
Can you see the point of it all? The politician has taken over whatsoever science has discovered. It has been done in America, the same has been done in Russia. Now the politician has become so powerful that there is every possibility that any madman – and they are all, almost all, mad people – can destroy the whole Earth.
A scientist himself delivered the secret; it could have been prevented. But the scientific pursuit is one-dimensional.
Now, it is as if a man’s hands are working on their own, his legs are working on their own, his head is working on its own; his heart is going toward the north, his head is going toward the south, his hands are going toward the east, his feet are going toward the west – and man is falling apart! Who is going to keep man together?
Except for religion, nothing is capable of keeping man together. Hence every day the importance of religion will become greater and greater. And remember, when I say “religion” I don’t mean Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism: I mean a quality of religiousness.
I am not a politician, but I can see what is happening in this country, and I can see better because I am not a politician. I have no vested interest in politics. I can observe more detachedly, I am just a witness. And because I have no vested interest, my vision is going to be clearer.
The more meditative you become, the more clarity there is, and life is no longer like a puzzle. Things which were not fitting before start fitting with each other like a jigsaw puzzle; all the parts start fitting with each other. A pattern arises, a gestalt arises.
I say many things about art: I am not an artist. Neither am I a cook, but I can say whether the food is worth eating or not, whether it is tasty or not. One need not be a cook for that. I don’t even know how to prepare tea! I have never done anything like that, but still I can say, “This tea does not taste like tea at all.” And you cannot say to me, “Stick to your religious pursuits, Osho. You have no right to say anything about tea because you don’t know how tea is made. You have no right to say anything about spaghetti!” I have not even tasted spaghetti – ever. Only once it was brought to me. It was stinking, so I simply had to throw it away. That much I can do, for that I have absolute freedom.
I talk about music – not that I am a musician, but I have got ears, and sensitive ears, and that is enough. I can talk about art because I have got eyes and my eyes can see what is beautiful and what is not. I need not be a painter to see the ugliness of Picasso’s paintings. I need not be a sculptor to see the beauty of Konarak, Khajuraho or the Taj Mahal. I can see the beauty of Michelangelo’s work. I am not a novelist but I can see Dostoevsky and his great work; I can appreciate Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gorky. Nobody will say, “You are not a novelist so you cannot appreciate a novel like Brothers Karamazov.
I am not a politician, that is true, but I can see man in his totality because I am deep down utterly silent and clear. And I can see not only that which is happening but that which is going to happen. I can see in the seed the flower, I can see the child in the womb. I can almost visualize what is going to happen, and it is not imagination because I dropped imagination long, long ago. It is not projection either because I have no desires left.
As far as I am concerned I am totally fulfilled. If I die this moment, herenow, there is no problem about it. You see? It always happens at the right moment. I can die absolutely blissfully, peacefully, because my life is fulfilled – the flower has released its perfume. So now any moment will be right because nothing is incomplete.
I would like to say emphatically that experts are good, but we need a new, comprehensive way of looking at things which thinks of the whole man, and which can make connections between the sciences, which are falling apart.
It is very strange that whenever I have made any statement about politics, the journalists have always condemned, me saying that being a religious man I should not make such judgments – but they never condemn the politicians who go on making judgments about religion. This is strange.
Morarji Desai makes statements about religion every day. Just the other day he said, “I am serving the Almighty God.” What does he know about God? And just a day before he had said, “I have not yet known God, I have not yet realized God.” Then whom are you serving, and who is this Almighty? If you have not known God, if you have not seen God, how can you serve him? You are serving your own ego, but you want your ego to be puffed up. You even want to decorate your ego with the idea of God. You are not doing ordinary work – you are serving God the Almighty.
What service has Morarji Desai done for the poor God? He has been ambitious for himself for his whole life. Does his life in any way give any indication that he has served the Almighty? And he says, “I don’t know, I have not yet realized.” But nobody will condemn him; they will appreciate him. They will say, “Look, our politicians are so religious!” And these politicians go to inaugurate religious conferences. What do they know about religion?
In fact, the politician is the last person to know anything about religion because religion needs simplicity, religion needs clarity, religion needs intelligence, and the politician lacks all these things. He is simply cunning, he is not intelligent. He is not even clever, just cunning. He is not intelligent, he is stupid. Otherwise, why should one waste one’s life in just becoming a prime minister or a president?
Morarji Desai says, “My first ambition was to be the prime minister. Now that that is fulfilled, only one more ambition is left: to know God. Now that is the last.” The man who has wasted his last eighty-five years in becoming the prime minister, how can he suddenly know God? He will have to transform himself totally and he is not yet out of politics.
For a few months he remained silent, seeing that now there was no possibility of his coming back into power. But just three days ago as the riots started and people started creating chaos in the country, he came out. Again a hope has arisen that maybe in the next elections he can gain power again. By the next elections he will be reaching nearabout ninety, but the desire never dies. It seems stupidity grows as you grow. It becomes more and more thick.
Just three days ago he said, “Now I am going to be active again because the country needs me.” I have never come across a man who has said, “We need Morarji Desai.” For what? What has he done? But whether you need him or not he is going to serve God Almighty, he is going to remain active in politics. Now he will be active in politics and still ambitious to realize God. He wants to have not only power here but power in the other world too; he wants to know God.
He said, “I have realized only a little bit of truth. I have not been able to know the truth in its totality.” Now, except me, nobody in the whole of the country has criticized him. The truth is always known in its totality; truth cannot be known in parts, in fragments. Truth is indivisible.
And just to prove that he is right he says that even Mahatma Gandhi has not known the truth in its totality. So he becomes parallel to Mahatma Gandhi; that is his great desire. Mahatma Gandhi was called Bapu. Bapu means father. And whenever somebody addresses Morarji Desai as Bapu, that is the only time he smiles. So those who want to buttress his ego address him as Bapu, and then he is just as joyous as one can be. That is his deepest desire, to be put alongside Mahatma Gandhi.
Mahatma Gandhi also never knew the truth because he was on the wrong track as much as Morarji Desai is. Truth cannot be known the way Mahatma Gandhi was trying to know it. To know truth one needs meditation, but to know meditation is to get out of your mind. And then you cannot be a politician. That is the trouble: the politician has to be in the mind, constantly in the mind. Mind is a cunning mechanism. Mahatma Gandhi never knew anything of meditation.
A man who knew meditation had written to him, but he felt offended and insulted. That man was also in Pune – Meher Baba. He had lived for thirty years in silence, in absolute silence, not uttering a single word. He was one of the greatest mystics of all the ages, but he was condemned in Pune in the same way I am condemned.
Meher Baba, knowing that Mahatma Gandhi wants to know truth, sent him a telegram out of his compassion. He was absolutely silent, but he used to make gestures and the person, the one person who remained with him for thirty years, had become capable of understanding his gestures. There had developed a communication, a deep, heart-to-heart communication, between Meher Baba and his secretary, Adi Irani.
Adi Irani came to see me once and I could see that this man has a beauty – such beautiful space and such silence. It was bound to happen: to live with a master like Meher Baba for thirty years, to drink his wine, his presence – and he was his interpreter. It was not from mind to mind because Meher Baba’s mind was put aside. It was a heart-to-heart message.
So he was given the message. He telegrammed Mahatma Gandhi: “If you really want to know truth, come here. Be here with Meher Baba for a few days. He feels great compassion for you because you are striving so hard to attain to truth, but what you are doing is not the right way.”
Mahatma Gandhi felt offended, as anybody will feel offended. If I invite Morarji Desai, saying, “Come here!” he will feel offended. He felt very insulted. His secretary replied to the telegram saying, “Stick to your own pursuits. I am trying to find my own way and I will find it in my own way. I don’t want anybody’s help.”
The politician is so egoistic. Even if somebody is willing to help he will not take it. But these politicians go on talking about religion; Mahatma Gandhi went on talking about religion.
He has written a commentary on Srimad Bhagavad Gita, the most childish commentary, because thousands of commentaries have been written on the Bhagavad Gita – Mahatma Gandhi’s is the most childish. It is the only commentary which can be made a text in the primary schools.
Now Morarji Desai has become a great commentator on Srimad Bhagavad Gita and nobody says, “What right do these politicians have to talk about the Bhagavad Gita? What can they understand about it?” But when a man like me says anything about politics they are immediately ready. It seems there is a great fear. But they don’t understand my vision, my approach.
My approach is total. I am going to talk about art and painting and music and poetry, politics, philosophy, theology. I am not going to leave any dimension untouched. I am not an expert about anything.
Just as science is defined as knowing more and more about less and less, religion is defined as knowing less and less about more and more. Religion is concerned with the whole. It cannot know as much as the expert knows, but it has a very inclusive view, a very organic view. It thinks of the whole, the religious man takes account of the whole; hence he is the only person who can guide humanity. The experts are dangerous.

A scientist was helping at the accouchement of his wife, holding the paraffin lamp. When the doctor had produced not one but three fine babies, the scientist disappeared with the lamp.
“Here, come back with the lamp. I think there is another!” called the doctor.
“I will not!” called back the scientist. “It is the light that attracts them!”

The live-wire salesman walked into the factory and demanded an interview with the manager. “Look here, sir,” he began energetically, “I would like to talk to your men and sell them my correspondence course on how to put fire and sparkle into their work.”
The manager turned pale. “Get out!” he yelled. “This is a dynamite factory, you idiot!”

On a plane flight there was a lively child who nearly drove everyone crazy. He was running up and down the aisle when the stewardess started serving coffee and he ran smack into her, knocking the cups of coffee to the floor.
As he stood watching her clean up the mess she glanced up at the boy and said, “Look, why don’t you go out and play?”

A little house is up for sale and the owner is showing around a philosopher who is going to buy the house. “The house is small,” he says to the philosopher, “but very comfortable and cozy – there is even an orchard. And the price is very low. There is only one inconvenience: every two hours there is a train which passes by just a few feet from this window. But I assure you, after a week you won’t notice it any more.”
“Well,” says the philosopher, “it means that for the first week I will sleep somewhere else!”

The engineer was standing underneath some scaffolding where he had been working. Looking up, the boss noticed him and yelled, “What are you doing down here? Why aren’t you up there working?”
“Well,” said the engineer, “I was up there, but when I was winding my wristwatch it fell.”
A little puzzled, the boss told the engineer that the watch was gone and he had better get back to work.
“Ah, no, boss, you don’t understand. The watch was ten minutes slow, so I have still got another three minutes to find it!”

The expert knows only his line, his dimension, and that is a very narrow one and it is becoming narrower every day. He loses all contact with the whole of life. That is why we have destroyed the whole ecology of the Earth. Our expertise is responsible for it because ecology means thinking about the whole.
The carpenter is interested in wood, he knows about wood; he does not know anything about what the trees are doing. He is not aware that they attract clouds and rain, that they keep the earth together, that without them the Earth will become a desert, that clouds will not come any more or even if they come they will pass without showering their rainwater. He is interested in wood, he knows about wood – the texture of the wood, the beauty of the wood – but he is not interested in the whole phenomenon.
So we went on cutting forests. Now we are suffering immensely because trees are a must. The whole climate is disturbed, not only the climate but the whole atmosphere, because trees breathe in the carbon dioxide that we breathe out, and they breathe out oxygen which we breathe in. We need oxygen, they need carbon dioxide; we are interdependent. If trees disappear, oxygen disappears, and then the air becomes more and more polluted with carbon dioxide which is not needed by your hearts, by your lungs, by your bodies. Already there is too much carbon dioxide in the air, which is dangerous to health.
But a woodcutter or a carpenter has no vision; his whole interest is in the wood. The woodcutter is interested in how to find out more efficient ways to cut wood. The person who knows about the oxygen and hydrogen and carbon dioxide knows nothing about wood and its texture, he knows nothing about the carpenter. He goes on working in his direction, the other goes on working in his direction, and they go on destroying the ecology.
Ecology means the interdependent cycle of existence. Everything depends on everything else; nothing is absolutely independent, cannot be. We are parts, very small parts, cogs in a wheel. Somebody has to know about the wheel: of course, the man who knows about the wheel will not be able to compete with any expert because he will know less and less about more and more.
The ultimate state of buddhahood is knowing nothing about all. And what will be the ultimate state of the scientist, the expert? – knowing all about nothing. That is the logical consequence. If science knows more and more about less and less, then what will be the ultimate result? – knowing all about nothing! It is becoming narrower, narrower, narrower and there is only one point left: nothing, zero.
And religion knows less and less about more and more, and what will be the ultimate state? – knowing nothing about all. That is what Dionysius calls agnosia. That is why Socrates says, “I know only one thing, that I know nothing.” But that does not mean that Socrates has not made statements about politics. He has, and he has suffered for it.
And I know that I will suffer, but now nothing can be taken away from me. Even if my life is taken away, nothing is taken away from me. So I am going to make statements about everything, and that is really sticking to my own work. I am not entering into anybody’s field. I am not an active politician and I am never going to be. I am not going to paint, I am not going to compose poetry. I am not going to write a novel, but I will go on making statements about every dimension so that I can give you a total vision: of how it looks from far above, from the clouds – when you sit on a cloud and look at the Earth.
The first man who walked on the moon – his greatest surprise was not the moon: his greatest surprise was to look at the whole Earth as one single unit. For a moment he forgot that he is an American. For a moment there was no America, no India, no Russia. He shouted, “My Earth!” The Earth was whole. Of course, from that distance the Earth is one, all political boundaries disappear because they are only on the map.
In fact, every child should be taken to the moon and should be shown the whole Earth, as a whole. That will be real teaching of geography. What you are teaching in the name of geography is politics, not geography. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran; this is not geography, this has nothing to do with the Earth, this has something to do with politics. You are just teaching them nonsense. Let them go to the moon and from the moon let them see the Earth as one whole. Of course, they will not come to know much about India or China. As they go up, far away, they will come to know less and less about more and more, but they will have a comprehensive view.
I am looking from the moon – my name means moon. Mr. Rajneesh means Mr. Moon! And whatsoever I am saying I am going to continue because I have nothing to lose. I have no vested interest, so whatsoever happens is good.

The second question:
Is moral character absolutely useless?
Moral character simply means something imposed by others on you: it is not really religious. It is a form of domination, a form of slavery, because you have not come to the understanding of what is right and what is wrong, you have simply been told by others. You don’t know really whether what you are calling “moral” is moral or immoral. One thing is moral in one society and the same thing is immoral in another society.
Just look around the Earth, have a little bigger vision, and you will be surprised: there are so many moralities. How can there be so many moralities? Right is right and wrong is wrong – there is no possibility of many moralities. There is no possibility of a Hindu morality or a Mohammedan morality or a Jaina morality – but there are different moralities. That simply shows all these moralities are inventions, inventions by different societies to dominate the individuals that make up those societies. It is a strategy for imprisoning the individual.
The whole process is a very subtle trick. Now we have even found a shortcut to it. One great scientist, Delgado, has found that electrodes can be put into the human brain, and you will not know anything about it because the brain is the most insensitive part in your body.
It happened once that a bullet was found in a man’s skull after eleven years. When he went for some other operation and an X-ray was taken, they found a bullet inside his skull. He had been in the army and for eleven years the bullet had been inside, and he was not even aware of it because the brain has no sensitivity, it is absolutely insensitive.
An electrode, a small electronic mechanism just like a small button, can be put inside your head and you will never know that it is there. And you can be controlled from far away; you can be controlled by anybody who knows about that electronic mechanism inside your brain. He can have a small remote control unit: he can push one button on it and you will be angry, he can push another button and you will be full of love, he can push a third button and you will become very quiet, and a fourth button and you will become utterly violent.
Delgado has proved it. He inserted an electrode into a bull’s brain and he stood there with his remote control unit. The bull was left wild, and he pressed a button. The bull became so enraged that nobody had ever seen a bull becoming so enraged for no reason at all. And he charged toward Delgado. Thousands of people had gathered to see the experiment, and they thought the bull was going to finish Delgado, that the experiment was over. Their breaths stopped. The bull reached so close, just one foot away; one second more and he would have killed Delgado. But he pushed another button and there was a sudden stop. The bull stopped as if frozen, became just a statue, just one foot away. All rage simply disappeared. He was standing there in a yoga posture, frozen, not moving at all!
And Delgado says the same can be done with man. Now Delgado, sooner or later, is going to deliver the secret to the politicians, just as Albert Einstein did, and then you need not wonder what will happen. Then it is absolutely certain that in countries like Soviet Russia and China, when they are born children will be immediately changed into slaves – just a small operation in the skull. And from the Kremlin, from Moscow or Peking, the president of the country or whosoever rules the country can control the whole country. He can send waves and there will be great peace, and he can send waves if he wants the country to fight some other country and people will be so violent, so murderous that one single individual will prove to be like ten or a hundred murderers. This is going to happen because now the secret cannot be kept away from the politicians.
The same thing has been done by the so-called moralists down the ages, but their process was a bullock-cart process. This is a jet-set age. Delgado is saying that this is the way to control human behavior. There is no need to teach morality – for what? Simply insert an electrode and let everybody be controlled.
That is what the priests have been doing for centuries, but of course they were not aware of such a subtle mechanism. They were creating conscience in you; that is also an electrode. Every child was continuously being told: this is right, this is right, this is right… And what was wrong: you have to do this and you have not to do that. This creates a conscience, an auto-hypnotic state. By the time the child comes of age they have created a certain idea of good and bad in him. Now his whole life he will be in trouble. If he follows the morality he will become a hypocrite, because morality has never taken any consideration of his nature, of his uniqueness, of his individuality. He has never been taken any account of, he has not been considered at all.
Some guy, Manu, five thousand years ago, decided what is right and wrong for the Hindus. It is still valid – for the Hindus it is still valid. Still there are women who commit suicide by jumping into the fire at the funeral of their husbands because Manu said that to be a sati – to die with your husband – is the greatest virtue a woman can ever attain. Still today, every day, almost every day, somewhere or other some woman commits suicide, burns herself alive. And these women are worshipped by the Hindus, they are worshipped like saints and all that they have done is to commit suicide.
It is illegal, it is a crime, because the British who ruled India for two centuries could not conceive any morality in it; they could see that it was just suicide. Their mind was not created by Manu. Their mind was created by Moses and in the Ten Commandments there is no commandment which says that the woman has to commit suicide, so they were very much against it. They made a law against it. The law is still there but in spite of it, every day the crime happens. And the woman who is committing suicide believes she is doing something really great, something belonging to the high order of values.
The Mohammedan has his own morality. Just a few days ago in Moradabad a riot happened because a pig, an innocent pig, entered into the sacred prayer place – the Idghah – of the Mohammedans. While they were doing their prayer the pig entered. Now some stupid person somewhere in their history has said to them that the pig is the most unholy animal on the Earth. Pigs are just poor people, maybe a little bit Polack, but poor people and very innocent! How can a pig make the holy place unholy? That means the unholiness of the pig is far more powerful than thousands of Mohammedans praying in a holy place. Their prayer is not great enough to transform the pig. The pig changes their whole atmosphere.
They killed the pig and they killed the constable who was standing outside because they thought he had allowed the pig to enter – he was a Hindu. And the riot broke out. One hundred and thirty people died immediately and this is the official number; whenever there is an official number given, multiply it by four, then you will have the right number. At least six hundred people must have died, or more.
The Hindus believe in the cow, that it is the holiest animal in the world, even holier than many human beings. The sudras, the untouchables, who constitute the major part of the Hindu society, are not as important as the holy cow. To murder a sudra, says Manu, is not a big crime; to murder a cow is the greatest crime one can commit. You can commit hundreds of other crimes, it is nothing, but to kill a cow… Now that is Hindu morality, and every Hindu believes that the cow is his mother. This has become his conscience. And the same is true about everybody.
Morality is invented religion, not discovered religion. Discovered religion has to be your own, then certainly a great revolution happens in you. Then certainly your character has a virtue, but then it is not moral; it is religious, it is spiritual. Moral character has value to those who want to enslave you, but it is against you. You need a spiritual character, and spiritual character is not born out of moral education; it is born out of meditation. You need more awareness, not more moral education.
That is why I am not emphasizing moral character at all; my whole emphasis is for the essential. If at the very center of your being some knowing, some clarity arises, your life will be different, totally different. It will have a beauty, a grace. It will not be Hindu because you will not live according to Manu; only stupid people do that. Living according to somebody else is stupidity.
You are not here to live according to me. I can only help you to find your own insight, that is all. I am not going to give you my insight – that will be moral character if whatsoever I think is right I impose upon you. But one man’s nectar may prove poison to another; something which is a medicine to one man may kill somebody else. So what is right to me, what is true to me, is only true to me. But I can help you to discover the source from where you can also see.
For example, a blind man can be helped in two ways. One is you give him detailed information: “Go a hundred feet forward, then turn to the left ninety degrees, then go two hundred feet, then turn to the right a hundred feet again,” and so on in this way, in detail. This is morality. The blind man remains blind, but he starts functioning, starts moving.
To give meditation is to give a blind man eyes. Then you need not give him detailed information: “First go right and then left and then this and that.” There is no need; you have given him eyes. Now he can see where he has to go, where the path turns toward the left and where the path turns toward the right – because life is such a complexity.
You cannot guide the blind man forever. He is bound to stumble somewhere or other, he is bound to commit many mistakes, he is bound to forget many things. And every moment new situations go on arising, and he will be simply following your information that may not be true any more. Life goes on changing.

Chalecki, a traffic policeman, asked his friend Manzini if he knew of a bawdy house in town. Manzini gave Chalecki the address. The following day they met on the street.
“Well,” asked Manzini, “did you enjoy yourself?”
“Nah,” replied the Polack, “I find house okay, then I spend whole night waiting outside.”
“Why didn’t you go in?”
“I was waiting for the red light to change!”

Now a traffic policeman has become fixated! A red light means only one thing for him.

A smart New York career girl married Stefano, a handsome young Italian farmer. She was not too happy with his social manners and started trying to improve him immediately. Throughout the wedding reception she continuously corrected his mistakes, telling him what to say, which knife to use at the table and how to pass the butter.
Finally the celebrations were over and they were in bed at last. Stefano fidgeted between the sheets, unsure of himself, but finally he turned toward his new wife and stuttered, “Could you pass the pussy, please?”

That is bound to happen! That is inevitable.
A moral person remains stupid and unintelligent because he depends on others’ guidance. And guidance that Manu gave five thousand years ago is no longer relevant at all, the whole context has changed. The moral person lives according to the past and the meditator lives according to the present. The meditator responds to the real situation and the moral person only goes on reacting according to ready-made formulas.
These puritans and moralists have stuffed your minds and your beings with rubbish. They have made you junkyards!

A housewife adorned with a head full of curlers, puffy eyes, no make-up, covered in a tatty old dressing-gown and worn-out furry slippers runs out of the house with the garbage just as the garbage truck is about to move on. She rushes up to the truck and, panting, asks the garbage man, “Am I too late?”
“No, ma’am, just jump right in!”

Drop conscience and create consciousness, and then you will be living an authentic life. And to be authentic is to be divine. To be authentic is to know what godliness is all about. To be authentic is to be true to Tao, the ultimate nature. “Aes dhammo sanantano,” Buddha says. “This is the ultimate law. Be conscious, be a light unto yourself.”

The third question:
I love to make love in the morning, but my wife hates it. What should I do?
Your wife is right, as wives are always right.

Enrico Caruso was the matinee idol of the society opera world in the early 1900’s. He was also privately one of the more active lovers of his time. The following remark is attributed to the great Italian tenor.
“I never make love in the morning,” said Caruso. “It is bad for the voice, it is bad for the health, and besides, you never know who you might meet in the afternoon!”

Listen to your wife – she is right!

The fourth question:
Can you please speak on your vision of an intelligent person?
Every child is born intelligent, and every grown-up person behaves like an unintelligent person. This is one of the strangest things, because intelligence is a gift from existence and existence is not a miser. It gives to everybody out of its abundance, out of its overflowing intelligence, bliss, love. Everybody comes so rich and everybody becomes so poor! What goes wrong?

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