Creativity of an Enlightened Master
Puja Melissa, I am just a storyteller. From my very childhood I have loved to tell stories, real, unreal. I was not at all aware that this telling of stories would give me an articulateness, and that it would be of tremendous help after enlightenment. Many people become enlightened, but not all of them become masters — for the simple reason that they are not articulate, they cannot convey what they feel, they cannot communicate what they have experienced. Now it was just accidental with me, and I think it must have been accidental with those few people who became masters, because there is no training course for it. And I can say it with certainty only about myself. When enlightenment came, I could not speak for seven days; the silence was so profound that even the idea of saying anything about it did not arise. But after seven days, slowly, as I became accustomed to the silence, to the beautitude, to the bliss, the desire to share it — a great longing to share it with those whom I loved was very natural.
I started talking with the people with whom I was in some way concerned, friends. I had been talking to these people for years, talking about all kinds of things. I had enjoyed only one exercise, and that was talking, so it was not very difficult to start talking about the enlightenment — although it took years to refine and bring into words something of my silence, something of my joy. You are asking what the relationship is between enlightenment and language. No relationship at all, because enlightenment happens in silence; there is no language, no chattering of the mind, not even a single word. And most of the enlightened people have remained silent their whole life.
Just here in this city a few years ago was a man, Meher Baba. He lived more than thirty years in silence. He was announcing every year that he would be speaking. The date would come, his disciples would gather, they would come from faraway lands — and again he would not speak. He could not manage a connection between silence and language. If you have not been a poet before you become enlightened, after enlightenment you cannot express yourself in poetry. But if you have been a poet before then you have a mind trained for poetry. Now this mind can be used as an instrument to express what has happened to you — the mysterious. If you have been a painter before, you can paint your enlightenment. Your paintings will give a peace to the eyes and those who sit by the side of your paintings — just watching them — will fall into meditation. So it all depends on what kind of mind you had at the time of enlightenment. If you were an architect, after enlightenment you can create a Taj Mahal, or the temples of Khajuraho, or the caves of Ajanta and Ellora. But your mind has to be ready for it before enlightenment. After enlightenment you cannot do anything with the untrained mind.
I have loved talking on all kinds of subjects. I was a trouble in school; mostly I was standing outside the room, because the teacher would throw me out. He would give me the alternative, “Either you remain silent or you go out.” I thought it was better to go out. But from the window I continued questioning. My teachers used to hit their heads with their hands. “What kind of person are you? You don’t even understand that you are punished! Just go and run seven rounds of the whole campus.” I would say, “If I do ten rounds, do you have any objections?” He said, “My God, I am not rewarding you.” And I would say, “Because I have not done my everyday morning exercise — it is a beautiful exercise….”
I was expelled from many colleges, expelled from universities, because no professor could cope with me. They would threaten the vice-chancellor, “We will resign if this boy continues to be in the university, because he is not allowing us to move a single inch. You say a single word and he raises so many questions — when are we going to do the course?” I was told by vice-chancellors, “We cannot lose our well-respected professor — he has served many years, and he is known all over the country — just because of an unknown student.” I said, “I’m perfectly ready; you will just have to make arrangements for me in another university. I will do the same there, because I am not wrong. Your professor is saying things which are out of date — things which have been proved wrong. He’s not up to date in his information. And you are punishing me just because I am an unknown student. But remember, someday I can become a well-known person.”
And when I told them the whole problem — what the professor was saying and what my question was, they understood, saying, “You are right, but still we cannot, because that professor has not turned up for three days. He has sent his resignation. We will not expel you, but I will talk to some other college or university…” And when I would go to some other university, their first condition was, “You are not supposed to ask any questions.” I said, “What kind of university is this? If the professor is talking nonsense and I am not supposed to ask questions, this is not a seat of learning.” They said, “We don’t want to discuss it; your vice-chancellor phoned me saying, `Somehow accept him.’ I can accept you only on one condition — that you will not ask questions.”
I said, “That is impossible. When I see someone is falling into a ditch, I cannot resist preventing him; I will forget the promise. The only solution is that you give me enough percentage for being present in the university, and I will not come at all.” And finally this was what they had to agree to — that they would give me enough percentage for being present so that I could appear in the examination, but I need not come to the university again; just when the examinations came, I would come. So most of my time was spent in the libraries, not in the classes. It was just accidental that I became acquainted with the subtle nuances of words, their beauty, their poetry; so when enlightenment overwhelmed me, slowly slowly I was able to at least give some indication of the beyond. But it was purely an accident…
There is no relationship between enlightenment and language; just as there is no relationship between enlightenment and poetry, painting, singing, dancing, music and pottery. But if you become enlightened, and you were already a good potter, after enlightenment your pottery will have a new significance. It has happened in this country… Gora, one of the great masters, was a potter. After his enlightenment, he continued — that was the only art that he knew. But the art changed totally. His pottery became almost sculpture. Another man was Kabir, who was a weaver. When he became enlightened he continued to weave, but his weaving of the clothes became a totally different thing than for any other weaver in the whole history of mankind. The love, the blissfulness, the silence — as if it all became part of his weaving. Raidas, another master, was a shoemaker. When he became enlightened he continued shoemaking, but now his shoes were such that people would love not to wear them on their feet, but to keep them on their heads! They were coming from a source; they showed the love, they showed the blessings of the man. It was no ordinary shoemaking — it had a quality of its own…
Enlightenment can come to anybody at any age, but you will have to use your mind to communicate it, and that mind will be the old mind. If it is articulate in something, then that will become your expression. Haridas, a great musician and a master, never spoke about his enlightenment but only sang songs — songs of tremendous beauty played on his sitar; and just his music conveyed something of his inner music. Enlightenment is unrelated with anything, and after enlightenment it is very difficult — almost impossible — to train your mind. Mind becomes such a faraway reality, and you are so beyond…. The mind is in the valleys and you are on the sunlit peaks of a mountain. The distance is so much that unless the mind is already trained in something, there is no way other than to remain simply silent.
Most of the mystics have not spoken — not a single word — although a few very sensitive souls became aware that something great has happened to them. People started sitting by their side, at their feet, just to be showered by their silence and by their presence. It has been found to be tremendously blissful, but only for a very few, because the language of silence and the language of presence is not understood by many.
Listen to complete discourse at mentioned below link.
Discourse Series: The Rebel Chapter #2
Chapter title: Beyond the capacity of the mind
1 June 1987 pm
Osho has spoken on Mystics like Sai Baba, Dadu, Farid, Gurdjieff, J. Krishnamurti, Kabir, Nanak, Patanjali, Rumi, Sahajo, Saraha, Socrates, Tilopa, Valmiki, Zarathustra and many more in His discourses. Some of these can be referred to in the following books/discourses:
- Sermons in Stones
- Come Come Yet Again Come
- The Hidden Splendour
- Beyond Enlightenment
- The New Dawn
- The Sword and The Lotus
- The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty
- Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries
- Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 1
- The Path of Love
- The Book of Wisdom
- The Divine Melody
- The Guest
Ganesh panchal
Ganesh panchal
Thanks osho