BELOVED MASTER, WHY DOES EVERYBODY WANT TO PROVE AND TO ASSERT? WHAT IS THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND PROVING AND ASSERTING ONESELF? PLEASE EXPLAIN. The psychology behind assertiveness, behind proving oneself, is very simple. Every child, from…
But we are doing the experiment again and we are in a far more successful stage now. Our people are more joyous, more meditative, more intelligent, uncompromising. This is the meeting of the eccentric people…
OSHO, CAN I TRULY SURRENDER AND STILL BE A LIGHT UNTO MYSELF? Deva Suli, THAT is THE ONLY WAY TO BE A LIGHT UNTO YOURSELF to surrender. Life is paradoxical: day/night, birth/death, summer/winter, love/hate, and…
BELOVED OSHO, COULD YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN EXACTLY WHAT THE WORK OF THE MYSTERY SCHOOL IS? My beloved ones… You are blessed to be here today, because we are starting a new series of talks between…
Beloved Osho, You are giving your life to help people find inner freedom, and the whole world is trying to take away your freedom – that is, freedom of speech, of movement, and so on.…
My basic approach is: I am not against the body, I am not against the mind; I am all for a unity, a symphony, a synchronicity amongst these three spheres. And a man will be…